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Complaints procedure 2. Should a Customer become disappointed at the level of service provided, they are quite entitled to raise this as a complaint. 3. Complaints should always be in writing via email or letter and clearly marked “COMPLAINT”. 4. Complaints will be acknowledged within 4 working hours and receive a substantive response within 3 working days. 5. If the substantive response fails to resolve the complaint then the Customer can enter into further written correspondence with UCSM (who will continue to respond within the time scales detailed in 4 above). Our principle aim will be to resolve the matter and to bring the matter to a conclusion. Conclusion of the matter would normally be based on transfer of information, gesture of goodwill or an apology. 6. If after a period of 4 weeks, the matter remains un-resolved (excluding aspects such as waiting from response from third parties which is clearly outside our control) then we will issue a deadlock letter or email to enable to Customer to refer the matter to the Energy Ombudsman. 7. Should the complaint remain un-resolved after a period of 8 weeks from the initial complaint being raised, then the Customer is entitled to refer the matter to the Energy Ombudsman. 8. The Energy Ombudsman service is an impartial and free service for Customers to use. 9. Complaints will be used to bring about further improvements in our service wherever possible. 10. Contact details for complaints are: – complaints need to be clearly marked as a complaint. 11. Our complaints procedure is available on our website, it can be emailed out of posted directly to a Customer free on request. 12. The Energy Ombudsman contact details are: Telephone: 0330 440 1624 Fax: 0845 055 0765 Email: Website: Energy Ombudsman PO Box 966 Warrington WA4 9DF. |
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Utility Customer Service Management Ltd.
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