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Generation page

What was once a pain is now used to produce electricity.

There are currently many incentives for electricity generation ranging from small scale PV arrays on domestic dwelling to large size wind turbines on hill tops.
All of them need a connection to the electricity networks (often referred to as the Grid Connection) in order to export the power and to benefit from which every tariff you sign up for to get paid for the generated electricity. Getting the actual connection is never easy with the local electricity company often using terminology that you are unfamiliar with and presenting you with a whole variety of demands in terms of technical information. The service we provide normally includes:
  • Visit site with Customer to survey requirements and discuss issues including providing “jargon busting” advise.
  • High level principle design if required so the Customer understands the electrical aspects of the scheme.
  • Completion of application forms and submission to utilities including third party service providers if these may offer cost savings.
  • Liaison with utility company to ensure timely delivery of quotes.
  • Once quotes received, checking to ensure they are at best price before passing on to the Customer for approval.
  • Formal acceptance of utility offers including processing paperwork associated paperwork.
  • Appointment of suppliers (and meter operators if required).
  • Arrangement of site works including liaison with site staff as required.
  • Arrangement of meter installations.
  • Provision of handover data for Customers.

Now a source a power!

Current schemes being handled include:

Photovoltaic (PV) arrays

Wind Turbines

Anaerobic Digester (AD) plants

The provision of this service can be via a fixed price agreed up front or via monthly invoices to cover time taken with most Clients opting for a base charge followed by an incremental charge for extra services.

Typical PV installation.

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